Friends Between Two Lakes Camp Employment

The primary purpose of camp is to provide a fun and safe camp experience for the campers. We will select the most qualified candidates. It is possible that we may not be able to place all applicants.

Applications are solicited February through March each year. Email your cover letter, resume, and copy/scan of your current First Aid and CPR certificate to Camp GF&GC.

  • Current First Aid and CPR certification are mandatory for ALL counsellors.
  • Swimming qualifications, babysitting course, relevant training in other areas (i.e. sailing, canoeing, outdoor education) and experience working with kids are considered favorably.
  • Bonuses are available for staff with Bronze Medallion or Cross, or American Red Cross equivalent.

Extended family and friends of members are welcome to apply for positions at camp. However, where qualifications and experience are determined to be equivalent, preference will be given to children of members.

Thanks for applying and hope to see you at camp!

Kids' Camp Counsellor and Counsellor-in-Training Application Form

We are now accepting applications for Counsellors and Counsellors-in-Training (CIT)

In 2024, the camp runs from July 4th – August 5th

Counsellor salary: $290; $320; $375/week (See application form)

CIT salary: $49/week

Application Requirements

Completed application form (below) as well as:

  • One-page cover letter (not required if returning Counsellor/CIT);
  • Resume including grade completed in June;
  • Proof of up-to-date CPR or equivalent or lifeguarding certificate.

Counsellors must have been born in 2005 or earlier and CITs must have been born in 2007 and earlier. Extended family and friends of members are welcome to apply for positions at camp, however priority is given to children of members. Guests are accommodated as needed.

Camp Application Form
Please indicate your order of preference
Please indicate your order of preference
Please indicate your order of preference
Please indicate your order of preference
Please indicate your order of preference